The Full 2009 Oscar Shorts Cartoon

The Full 2009 Oscar Shorts Cartoon

Great Character Actors & Actresses[Author's note: This introduction is somewhat lengthy.]I was watching an episode of the Incredible Hulk recently, catching up on my Hulk viewing. As a kid, I was a big fan of the Incredible Hulk television series, which ran on the CBS network from the fall of 1.

Disney's recent trademark lawsuit against Phase 4 Films and their movie "Frozen Land" has reignited discussion about 'mockbusters,' the portmanteau used to describe a.

That show was awesome, was it not? Well, as I was watching Hulk on Hulu, I noticed this one actor [in the episode titled "The Slam"] who played a prisoner where David Banner was incarcerated on a charge of vagrancy. I thought to myself, I know that guy from a LOT of tv shows. So I did some research on www.

Hulk, and found out his name is Charles Napier. Suddenly, bells and whistles began to go off in my head when I saw his pictures, as I quickly remembered him from The Blues Brothers. He was "Tucker Mc. Elroy", the leader of the band "The Good Ole Boys", who had arrived in full Southern get- up at a country- western bar, ready to play, only to find that Jake and Elwood had already taken their musical gig for the evening [pretending to be The Good Old Boys].

A fine car chase ensues in the laugh- a- minute motion picture. A few days later, I was on the telephone, discussing Charles Napier with a friend of mine; I said, "Hey, do you remember that guy..", so on and so forth, and he began remembering Mr. Napier as well. Suddenly, my friend had a flash of inspiration, and he brought back to my remembrance another actor who appeared in 2. Mork and Mindy as Exidor. I looked up Exidor, found his name was Robert Donner, and suddenly began remembering him and having flashbacks from old tv shows and/or motion pictures where I had seen him, just like I had suddenly begun remembering Charles Napier. That's when I got the inspiration to do some research on the careers of these largely uncredited character actors/actresses who were every bit as good as the headliners who were the stars of these film and television productions.

I use the term "largely uncredited" because, although you could see their names in the credits rolling at the end of the television show or movie, their names were usually up there on the screen for such a short period of time, that you never really got the chance to associate the role with that individual. I wanted to pay tribute to these individuals I grew up watching. I always enjoyed the film and television appearances of these fine performers. Download Divx Mike`S New Car Cartoon more.

In many cases, their theatrical talents were equal to, if not better than, the main headliners [many of whom were hired for "star power" and not for their acting abilities to begin with]. Although these supporting actors/actresses did not receive the name recognition that their more famous co- stars enjoyed, they played their roles superbly and worthy of recognition.

In this blog post, I seek to bestow upon these individuals some of that recognition which they have earned and which they deserve, because you see almost no features about them in books, newspapers, magazines, television, cinema, or in almost any other kind of media except the internet. As you read this, you will saying things like, "Oh yeah!!! Now I remember him!!!", or "Wow!!! That's the woman from (insert name of tv show)". I hope this is as much fun for you to read as it was for me to write.

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And, perhaps, some of these performers will see this post and feel the love!! I purposely selected only those actors who have been performing during the 1. They do deserve much credit for their work, and perhaps in another ten years or so, they may receive that kind of credit on another blog post. This blog post honors people who began acting 1.

The Full 2009 Oscar Shorts Cartoon

I wish I could have added more, but I figured that 1. I take this moment to say "thank you" to these performers for entertaining us.

Finally, if you are an agent, family member, or any other legally- responsible party who represents one of these actors/actresses, and you see information which needs to be corrected, or if you see an actor/actress whose OFFICIAL website is not listed, or if you have any other questions / concerns / compliments / suggestions, if you are a legally- responsible representative of this actor or actress, please feel free to post your thoughts at the end of this blog post, and please be sure to post current CONTACT INFORMATION. I would LOVE to hear from actor/actress family members or representatives, as I really did strive to make all this information as accurate and complete as is humanly possible. Your comments and input are greatly appreciated along with those of anyone else who reads this blog post. In addition, I only wish to publish the actual addresses of the OFFICIAL actor/actress website - no fansites or tribute sites, PLEASE, unless those websites are created by representatives of the actors/actresses. Please enjoy my tribute to 1. Unknown Actors And Actresses Of Film & Television.___________________________________________________PLEASE INFORM ME OF BROKEN OR INCORRECT LINKS.___________________________________________________Charles Napier. Charles Napier is my favorite in this class.

With 1. 90 entries on his IMDB page, with an acting career spanning more than 4. Charles Napier most certainly has earned his keep in the acting profession. Typically cast as a hard- nosed/hot- tempered type- A personality, Mr. Napier's character is sure to take the power position in any given scenario.

If you see Charles Napier even once, you won't soon forget him. Whether he is playing Colonel Briggs in an A- Team episode ["Fire"], a peace- loving hippie in a Star Trek episode ["The Way To Eden"], or - in full contrast - an angry mob- inciting racist in this year's "The Goods", this Alpha Male of supporting actors has come to personify what a character actor really is. Video interview. Charles Napier / The Goods. Charles Napier's website.

IMDBWiki__________________________________________________Richard Kind. Best known as outspoken character Paul Lassiter on ABC's smash "Spin City", Richard Kind has been tickling our funny bone and pleasing our acting palate since 1. Demonstrating his versatility via his performances in theater, radio/audio plays, television, and motion pictures, Richard Kind is quite a beloved and memorable actor. He truly is just an all- around lovable guy. Richard's interview for broadway.

Click here. IMDBWiki___________________________________________________William Walker. William "Bill" Walker (July 1, 1. January 2. 7, 1. 99. Of all his roles, he was most recognizable as Reverend Sykes in "To Kill A Mockingbird". Additionally, he was notable as Jeffrey, the house butler in a 1.

The Twilight Zone titled "The Masks". From his first role in Ernest Hemingway's "The Killers" in 1. Hunter" in 1. 98. William Walker's acting career greatly enriched the American viewer's entertainment experience. Not only was Walker an accomplished actor, but a little- known fact about this man is that he was a valiant fighter for the rights of the American black community. The son of a freed slave [according to his IMDB page], he had a particular interest in fighting for the freedoms already enjoyed in America by its white citizens. This is clearly stated on the Screen Actors Guild's website, "The push for inclusion of African Americans in Hollywood continued, but progress was slow in coming.

In 1. 95. 2, the Negro Employment Committee was formed, and African- American actor William Walker was appointed to the SAG Board as a replacement for Robert Preston. He was later elected several times to the board, serving nearly 2. The above quote is attributed to the SAG website: SAG quote. Mr. Walker has 1. IMDB page for 4. 1 years of acting: IMDBWiki___________________________________________________Charles Martin Smith. Known the world over as the little nerdy guy with the square- ish glasses in "American Graffiti", Charles Martin Smith has come a very long way since the big- screen debut of himself, Ron Howard, and George Lucas. Acting 1. 97. 1- present, directing 1.

Mr. Smith has kept himself a busy bee.

The Full 2009 Oscar Shorts Cartoon
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