Cult Comedy Cartoons Teddy Scares

Cult Comedy Cartoons Teddy Scares

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Cult Comedy Cartoons Teddy Scares

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Orla3777 is a fanfiction author that has written 15 stories for Young Justice.

Here are some people who’ve collectively said “fuck it, we’re doing it anyway.”Yeah, we know they’re kidding. Order Yobi, The Five-Tailed Fox Cartoon. BUT STILL. Don’t do it. Update 3: 3. 1pm EDT: We told you!!!!

Orla. 37. 77 Fan. Fiction. Author has written 1. Young Justice. Hi, I'm Orla. I have given up on Fanart Central where you can still see me. So I have come here. I hope you enjoy my stories.

I will start with stories of Young Justicex. Batman Beyond stories where Conner Kent (Superboy) and Terry Mc. Ginnis (Beyond) are paired together. I gave the idea to Eve- Redeemer- 7.

Terry version, which is cool. Now I want to start writing. I adore these characters: Terry Mc. Ginnis. Conner Kent. Tim Drake Wayne. Connor Hawke. My pairings are mostly: Connerx.

Terry - Young Justice/Batman Beyond (I thought up this pairing, not sure if anyone else has)Kaldur(YJ)x. Raven - Teen Titans (You have find them cute.

They fit together)Match (my idea of Match)x. Tim - Teen Titans (If Kon belongs to Terry, then Ken can go to Tim)Connor Hawke (Green Arrow II)x. Tim - Teen Titans (I found some fics on them. They are beautiful!)Damianx.

Colin - Batman. Teddyx. Billy - Young Avengers. Etc.. Profile - Name: Terry Mc.

Ginnis. Other names: Batman Beyond, BB, Beyond, (others will be shown later)Abilities: high intelligence, black belt knowledge and skill in various martial arts, able to work in sync with Superboy, and any effects from Cadmus experiments. Love Interest: Conner Kent (Kon- El, Superboy)Loves: reading, chocolate, nature, his family, his friends, Conner. Hates: Cadmus, clowns, annoying people, prejudice, evil.

Family: Warren Mc. Ginnis ((step) father), Mary Mc. Ginnis (mother), Matthew (Matt) Mc. Ginnis (younger brother). Later, Bruce Wayne (biological father); Jason, Dick, Tim, and Damian (adopted/half brothers)Background: Terry was born in the Mc.

Ginnis family. His father, Warren Mc. Ginnis, had recieved a flu spot that was really a chemical that would replace his reproduction DNA with Batman's (Bruce Wayne) which is a part of Project Batman Beyond, making Terry Batman's son. The chemical wears off before Mary has Matt. Warren finds out about Project Batman Beyond, that was shut down. He doesn't tell anyone what he found out and still loves Terry as his own son. He prepares for anything to happen to him and his wife for the sake of his sons.

He was right too. Cadmus restarted the project, but instead of Terry just taking the mantle when Bruce retired, they would have him kill him and replace him. Cadmus kills Warren and Mary, and take Terry to Project Cadmus. They spent a month beating him, giving him little food, and experimenting on him. They plan to team up Project Batman Beyond with Project Kr, but it doesn't go how they plan. The two forge a bond of friendship and soon become true love. Terry, with the help of Dubblilex, planned Kr's, the Superboy, escape with the fire.

Background on Project Batman Beyond: Batman's work was praised by Waller, and she feared the worse when he retired. She started Project Batman Beyond and found the perfect couple, Warren and Mary Mc. Ginnis. She arranged for Terry to be born with Batman's DNA, which had to be stable by mixing a few female genes, which resulted in feminine looks, a sensitive body, female antics, and a working womb.

Terry and his parents lived on without any hint of what was in store for them. When Terry was eight, they went to see an action movie. The plan was set. Waller order someone to kill Mary and Warren in front of Terry for Batman to be born in him. The trigger was never pulled or seen.

Mary and Warren lived and Terry untraumatized. Waller understood why the killer couldn't do it. Batman would never kill. The chemical inside Warren weared off and Matthew Mc. Ginnis was born a true Mc. Ginnis. Warren found out about the project and prepared for the worse. He and Mary were killed, Matt was spared but alone, and Terry was kidnapped to Project Cadmus.

For a month, Terry was experimented on and ill- treated. Desmond made his womb Krytonian compatible. Terry was to be a partner for Project Kr, the Superboy, but he was meant to be a submissive slave and a breeder.

When Superboy was first awaken and ordered under the telepathic influence to beat him, he resisted. After that first five minutes, Terry was never afraid of him ever again and completely trusted him, because he knew Superboy never wanted to hurt him. He came to love him dearly. Personality: Terry is a fiery and protective person, but is also a little delicate. He is comfortable with himself and got use to the fact he was part female.

He is touching about the experiments, feeling violated that Cadmus tried to changed him like that. He absolutely loves Superboy. He is a good brother (to Matt, Richard, Jason, Tim, and Damian) and a good son (Mary, Warren, and Bruce). Beyblade. The Story of Kai Hiwatari- The story of Beyblade and more with twists through Kai's POV as he is based on the stories by Elemental Gypsy, Deviant Vixen, Blaze Queenie, and Burning. White. Twilight. The Champions from Russia- What if Beyblade had Kai as the main character and was the winning team with Tala, Spencer, Bryan, and invited foreigner Miguel? Kon/Tim (Young Justice) stories I may write.

Let Me Give Your Heart a Break- My twist of Invasion is that Batman and Nightwing ask Superboy to watch over the new Robin (Tim). This is shortly after he and M'gann broke up and she and La'goon got together. Miraclously, focusing on Tim is helping Superboy healed and think less of the two. Where can this go?

The Precious Bird- Delicate and beautiful fifteen- year- old Tim Drake has just become Robin and is about to become a part of the Team. He meets Conner Kent, the Superboy, who had just broken up with M'gann a few months before. While being a friend and falling in love with the hero, he will find out how precious he is to Batman and Nightwing and how precious he will become to the Team, more importantly Superboy.

The Games of Justice (YJ/Yu- Gi- Oh crossover)- All Tim Wayne has is his adoptive family, his puzzles, and his books. He wants real and trustful friends and his long- time crush, Conner Kent, who is a master at games. Conner gets a handsome amulet and unknown to him, he unlocks the Shadow Games. Strange things start to happen as Conner's wish for real friends comes true, bringing in Tim for the ride. Each event makes their bonds stronger and stronger. When help is needed, a force from the amulet comes over him, giving him the strength and attitude needed to fight and win games.

While under this influence, he has the desire to find the 'prince'. Who is this prince? What is he have to do with the amulet and the games? What does Conner? Will these forces one day separate Tim from his secret crush. The Hero- Following YJ cartoon plot in Superboy's POV.

Superboy awakes and gains freedom with the help of Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Robin (III). Now he must find a place for himself, and he plans to not be a copy of Superman. With Superman not helping him, he has to self- discover on his own. Fortunately, he has the help of Batman, Black Canary, Red Tornado, his team, and a certain pretty little bird. With his pure heart and gentle soul, he will became one of the greatest heroes as well as a vital part of the World's Finest 2. These are Young Justice/Batman Beyond story ideas. Featuring Conner Kent/Terry Mc.

Ginnis pairing. (Terry lives in their time, not the future where Bruce is old). The Greatest of These is Love- the Young Justice plot but with Terry Mc. Ginnis as the hero Beyond.

He's in Cadmus with Superboy and they forge a powerful friendship that will turned into a beautiful, undying love. The Mystery Mc. Ginnis'- The Justice League and Young Justice find a powerful stone with werid markings that not even Batman can figure out what it is. They find out about specialists that might do and call them. The Mc. Ginnis' (a married couple working together) come into play. Terry Mc. Ginnis looked just like Bruce Wayne and his husband, Conner Mc.

Cult Comedy Cartoons Teddy Scares
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